
#BodyDetoxFriday: BEETROOT

We are getting the body overly excited today because we get to touch all the nooks and crannies. I might as well call it the body’s environmental sanitation day because it sure cleans all the edges, even the organs that we have not thought to single out for a clean.

It is body detox Friday and the magician for the day is BEETROOT.

Beets are a unique source of phytonutrients called betalains. Betanin and vulgaxanthin are the two best-studied betalains from beets, and both have been shown to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support. Although you can see these betalain pigments in other foods, the concentration of betalains in the peel and flesh of beets gives you an unexpectedly great opportunity for these health benefits.

Eating beetroots have lots of advantages; they can boost the body energy and lower the blood pressure. When consumed over an extended period, beetroots helps to fight cancer, reduce arthritic pain, boost the brain function and contributes to losing some body weight.

Beetroots contain a unique mixture of plant chemicals and minerals that make them superb fighters of infection, blood purifiers, and liver cleansers.

Beetroots help boost the body’s cellular intake of oxygen, making them excellent overall body cleansers. When detoxing, beets help by making sure that the toxins you are getting out make it out of your body.

Give your body a green treat today.

Follow @thegreenfoodshop on Instagram for more recipes and tips.


#SkinnyThursday: STRAWBERRY

It is the green skin day; let us rise again to keep it smooth and shiny. The skin is said to be the largest organ of the body, and luckily it does not take too much to nourish it. It shelters the body from harsh weather condition, UV rays and protects the body’s internal organs. It is also the part of the body that we use to make an impression. We have explored quite some fruits and vegetables to give this body a treat.

It is the last Skinny Thursday in this series, but I can assure you it is not the end of greening the skin. There is a lot to talk about when it comes to the skin, and I can promise that more articles are still coming regarding this organ.

The Skinny magician for the day is STRAWBERRY.

Strawberries are high in Vitamin C content; they contain a significant alpha hydroxyl acid known as salicylic acid making it extra good for beautiful skin. Salicylic acid is known to be used for acne treatment because it can penetrate deep into the pores and clean them out. It unclogs the pores and stops pimples from forming. This helps to clear out the milia, whiteheads, and blackheads before they become stubborn pimples.

Given their amazing combination of phytonutrients—including anthocyanins, ellagitannins, flavonols, terpenoids, and phenolic acids—it is not surprising to find increasing research interest in the anti-inflammatory properties of strawberries. However, it is still exciting to see this remarkable fruit lowering levels of inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein (CRP) when consumed several days per week in everyday amounts of approximately one cup. Recent research has shown that several blood markers for chronic, unwanted inflammation can be improved by regular intake of strawberries.

Strawberries contain a powerful antioxidant called ellagic acid, proven to prevent collagen destruction that leads to wrinkle formation. Ellagic acid has photoprotective effects that guard against UV rays.

Eating strawberries can help achieve a glowing skin.

Give your body a green treat today.

Follow @thegreenfoodshop on Instagram for more recipes and tips.



I get overly excited on Wednesdays because it is the day to do the kidney thing. As discussed earlier, the kidney is another important organ in the body that needs to be carefully maintained. It detoxifies the body and does some regulating and balancing. The kidney magician for the day is ONION.

Who would have thought about Onions? We do not pay too much attention when we find a slice in our meal, or at the most we believe that it for garnishing.

Onions are considered to be used for dressing dishes. Also, many people think that Onions are added to foods for enhancement of flavor and taste. Both statements are correct, but they are less than ten (10%) of why you should add Onions to your dishes.

Onions are loaded with so many goodies to heal different parts of the body. There is a great healing power, phytochemicals, and minerals contained in each bulb of Onion that makes it a ‘must have’ for everyone.

Onions are filled with flavonoids, particularly Quercetin. Flavonoids are natural chemicals that prevent the deposit of fatty materials in the blood vessels and add pigmentation to plants.

The thing that makes Onions Kidney friendly is that they are low in potassium; this property makes it good food, even for people with impaired kidney function.

When onions are simmered to make soup, their Quercetin does not get degraded. It simply gets transferred into the water part of the soup. By using a low-heat method for preparing onion soup, you can preserve the health benefits of Onion that is associated with this key flavonoid.

Give your body a green treat today.

Follow @thegreenfoodshop on Instagram for more recipes and tips.


#HeartyTuesday: ORANGE

The change you expect to see when you adopt the use of home remedies or fruits and foods to cure diseases do not happen speedily; it takes some time, much effort and discipline. However, it eventually happens, and it comes with no strings attached.

It is the last Hearty Tuesday in this series and the secret Hearty magician for the day is ORANGE.

Oranges have got loads of benefits, and they are so easy to squeeze into our everyday meal. They are full of potassium, an electrolyte mineral, which helps the heart to function properly. When potassium levels get too low, one may develop abnormal heart rhythm known as arrhythmia.

Oranges are naturally rich in folate, or folic acid, a vitamin of the B group. One role of folate is to process the amino acid homocysteine in the body. When folate is lacking, homocysteine is not broken down, piles up in our blood vessels and becomes toxic, even in small amounts. The accumulation of high levels of homocysteine in the blood may cause a heart attack even among people who have adequate cholesterol levels.

One orange contains about 3 grams of fiber: 60% is soluble fiber and 40% insoluble. Both types are essential for health, but soluble fiber is the one that lowers cholesterol. Pectin, the soluble fiber that's found mainly in the skin around each orange section and in the peel, helps trap and eliminate cholesterol from the body. Try to eat a little of the white part of the orange peel; it contains half of the fruit's pectin supply.

The flavanone hesperidin has been shown to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol as well as to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. This component is found in the peel and inner white pulp of the orange. To reap the full benefits of oranges, grate a tablespoon of the peel and use it to flavor tea, salads, yogurt, soups, and cereals.

Give your body a green treat today.

Follow @thegreenfoodshop on Instagram for more recipes and tips.



#LiverCleansingMonday: AVOCADO

For the past three (3) weeks, we have dedicated our Mondays to liver cleansing; we have employed important cleaning agents like Grapefruits, Garlic, and Walnuts. The liver is a vital organ in the body and the importance of detoxifying and keeping it green has been clearly overemphasized in this series.

Its Liver cleansing Monday and it time to do the clean after a long weekend. The Liver magician for the day is AVOCADO.

Avocados can help the body produce a type of antioxidant called glutathione. Glutathione is needed by the liver to filter out harmful substances and protect liver cells from damage. Likely due to experiencing repeated injury, those with chronic liver disease are often found to be low in glutathione. Avocados are the leading food source of this master antioxidant.

In addition to glutathione, avocados are rich sources of Vitamin C and Vitamin E, antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Neutralizing or deactivating harmful free radicals in the liver is instrumental in protecting liver cells from damage.

Often cited as a staple in an anti-inflammatory diet, avocados contain both Vitamin E and Vitamin K, two nutrients that are known to quell cellular inflammation. Because liver cell inflammation precedes cellular injury, anti-inflammatory intervention is a trusted approach towards liver health support.

For those with a fatty liver, avocado’s “healthy” fats can improve the body cholesterol profile by lowering low-density lipoproteins (also known as LDLs or bad cholesterol) and raising high-density-lipoproteins (also known as HDLs or good cholesterol).

Fatty liver disease is characterized by a surplus of fat in the cells of the liver, which can lead to liver inflammation and hardening. Replacing saturated fat with monounsaturated fat, and eating low-glycemic foods, such as vegetables and some fruits, instead of high-glycemic foods, such as chips and sugary snacks, can help individuals with the fatty liver disease. Avocados not only contain monounsaturated fat but also function as a low-glycemic food. According to a 2007 animal study published in the “World Journal of Gastroenterology,” daily consumption of monounsaturated fat and limited saturated fat may help lower triglyceride levels in the liver, particularly among individuals with the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Give your body a green treat today.

Follow @thegreenfoodshop on Instagram for more recipes and tips.
